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Run registrations that give every student a fair shot

Deliver a professional student experience during your university admissions, course enrollments, and housing registrations
red ball on top
LSE & Queue-it
MacEwan & Queue-it
Swinburne & Queue-it
Education Authority & Queue-it

Protect your reputation with an excellent student experience

  • Let students know exactly where they are in line & give updates in real-time
  • Put fairness at the heart of your admission process with a fair first-come, first-served or live raffle system
  • Stop getting complaints from students, parents, or other faculties when registrations go wrong
LSE Queue-it testimonial

“We only got positive feedback on the queueing system from students. It shows the system is transparent and students have a fair and equal chance to access course selection.”

Cheryl Edwardes, Business Change Manager

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Feel relaxed and in control during your enrollment period

  • Throttle traffic through platforms like PeopleSoft, Ellucian Banner, or Star Rez to prevent overload that can impact your core operations
  • Control registrations without huge human effort and costs of scaling on-premise servers
  • Protect against bots and unpredictable traffic behavior that jeopardize web performance and undermine fairness
Green marbles rolling towards pin
MacEwan Queue-it testimonial

"Queue-it streamlined the process of managing peak load and that translated to a better student experience, which is key for any university that puts students first."

Vamsi Ramanadham, Director of ERP Applications

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Save resources with easy integration & work with your existing tech stack

  • 25+ edge, server-side, or client-side connectors
  • One-time integration in under one day
  • No sensitive data goes through Queue-it so you stay GDPR & CCPA compliant
Queue-it integration options
Queue-it integration options

“It doesn’t take long to integrate into your system. I think that’s quite important.”

Martin McAllister, Application Architect

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Popular solutions among higher ed institutions that put students first

fair chance to secure a spot
Ensuring every student has a fair shot to secure their spot

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end user experience
Informing students with transparent real-time communication

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users about to crash a site
Running smooth registrations without crashes or slowdowns

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block bad bots
Blocking bots to keep the same rules for everyone

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Get expert support every step of the way

Quality of support rating on G2

Tech user in Higher Education

"Very helpful staff at Queue-it and the end product provided exactly the solution that we needed"

G2Crowd Logo Posted on G2

User in Non-Profit Organization Mgmt

"Queue-it has great customer service - they are available at all times to help in any way that they can. Very reliable, knowledgeable and kind people."

G2Crowd Logo Posted on G2

See how these universities delivered a student experience they’re proud of

LSE logo on dark green background

How LSE delivered “a much smoother experience” during online course selection

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MacEwan logo

“A better student experience”: How MacEwan University handles course enrollment

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Swinburne logo

Swinburne University of Technology creates “a seamless experience for students”

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Education Authority logo

How Education Authority successfully moved 70k school applications online

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Run reliable student registrations, no matter the demand